Aida Masuri Mustafa

Surah Al-Kahf | Lessons From the Story of the Owner of The Two Gardens
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says in the Qur’an: “And put forward to them the example of two men; unto one of them We had given two gardens of grapes, and We had surrounded both with date-palms, and had put...Reading time: 6 minutes 12 seconds
Qalby Droppin' Hadith
Abdullah Bukhari bin Abdul Rahim

Carilah Cahaya Yang Melapangkan Jiwa
Ketika lampu terpadam, manusia yang hebat terus menjadi lemah. Segala anggota badan boleh hilang fungsi tanpa cahaya yang membantu retina mata menanggap sebarang objek. Itulah hakikat manusia yang sangat lemah. Allah menyinggung perihal...Reading time: 3 minutes 59 seconds
Abdullah Bukhari bin Abdul Rahim

Utamakan Hak Allah Pada Setiap Ayat Al-Quran!
“Tuan-tuan! Jika ada cubaan jahat jin mahu mengganggu atau sesiapa mahu menyihir kita, pasti Allah akan jadikan ia sia-sia tak berhasil. Usaha jahat mereka akan hancur bak debu berterbangan. Amalkan ayat ini: وَقَدِمْنَا إِلَى...Reading time: 5 minutes 3 seconds
Heart & Soul
Fatima Altalib

The Little Mosque in The Village: A Story & Name of Allah to Brighten Your Day
Psst…to read our previous “Story and Name of Allah” article, click here. Past the potholed streets, past the corn fields, past the goats and cows, past the vendors selling boiled eggs, past the children selling...Reading time: 7 minutes 59 seconds
Heart & Soul
Husnul Khuluq
Aida Masuri Mustafa

Attaining Happiness Through Qana’ah
What do we often do when idling? We look at our social media feeds, right? And as we scroll, looking and reading the success and happiness in other people’s lives, how frequently do these thoughts cross our minds? 💭 “I...Reading time: 9 minutes 31 seconds
Syafiqah Binti Abdul Razak

Bersegera Untuk Akhirat
Bismillah. Strategi pemasaran ini perlu dipertingkatkan lagi, kata pengurus kepada pekerjanya. Ayuh kita meningkatkan jualan bulanan kita. Kita perlu meramaikan ahli di dalam persatuan kita. Jom segera menonton...Reading time: 3 minutes 42 seconds
Norain Azlan

Antara Mencintai Diri Atau Pentingkan Diri?
Konsep mencintai diri sendiri sering disalah ertikan dalam kalangan umat Islam, kadangkala ianya diterjemahkan sebagai sikap dan sifat egosentrisisme, iaitu mementingkan diri sendiri tanpa memikirkan kepentingan orang lain. Sekiranya...Reading time: 6 minutes 1 seconds
Syafiqah Binti Abdul Razak

Muhasabah Diri
Bismillah. Tahun 2021 sudah melabuh tirai. Tahun 2022 telah menjelma. Semakin bertambah tahun, semakin berkurang usia. Semakin hampir hari bertemu Pencipta. Maka, perlunya diri ini melakukan muhasabah atas perkara yang telah berlalu...Reading time: 3 minutes 53 seconds
Qalby Droppin' Hadith
Aida Masuri Mustafa

Preserve Your Secret Good Deeds
Brothers and sisters in Islam, what exactly does Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala want from us? How do we become a successful person in the Sight of Allah? Let us reflect on this ayah, where Allah says: “Blessed is He in...Reading time: 8 minutes 27 seconds
Heart & Soul
Maryam Hamza

Inspiring Blooms from The Female Companions
The first Muslim رضي الله عنها . The first martyr رضي الله عنها . The haven of his heart رضي الله عنهاwho Rasulullah ﷺ ran to after experiencing Revelation for the first time. The one رضي الله عنهاwho could make the...Reading time: 10 minutes 40 seconds
Heart & Soul
Maryam Hamza

Fatimah and Ali: A Love That Transcends
He رضي الله عنه was an intelligent, eloquent warrior, with rock-solid faith. She رضي الله عنها was fearlessly compassionate, as pure and beautiful as a budding blossom. This already sounds like a dreamy couple from a fantasy story,...Reading time: 7 minutes 48 seconds
Mental Health
Maryam Hamza

Healing by Responding to Allah
Our thoughts do not define us. However, what we allow to have power over our emotions and actions does. What’s ironic is, we often have a filter on our thoughts, but not the one we are supposed to use, which is the guidance...Reading time: 10 minutes 32 seconds
Qalby Droppin' Hadith
Ayat Ibrahim

Dunia Ibarat Tanaman, Manfaatkan Sebelum Hancur Bersepai.
Pada zaman Nabi s.a.w, ada seorang mukmin iaitu Murarah Bin Rabi’ yang mahu mengutip hasil tanaman anggur dan tamar ketika datangnya seruan perang Tabuk. Sangkanya, penyertaannya dalam peperangan sebelum ini boleh melepaskannya...Reading time: 8 minutes 57 seconds
Page 10 of 13, showing 21 records out of 273 total