Norain Azlan

Menempah Kejayaan Dengan Ibadah
Ibadah yang ringan tetapi susah untuk kita lakukan. Ibadah wajib ini hanya ada 5 waktu sahaja dalam 24 jam. Ibadah ini juga hanya memperuntukkan masa 10 hingga 20 minit untuk ditunaikan bagi satu waktu. Oleh itu, sekiranya kita kira...Reading time: 7 minutes 17 seconds
Mental Health
Maryam Hamza

Da’wah: You are meant to illuminate
Break free from your comfort zone We need to be more generous with the incredible gift that is our Deen. We see the benefits of our beautiful and complete Islamic faith in every aspect of our lives; it’s the lifeline we...Reading time: 10 minutes 34 seconds
Tisha Zarina

What Home Decor and Decluttering Teaches Me About My Heart
Do you like to watch home makeover programmes? If you’re anything like me, somehow you kind of get glued to the show once you start watching it right? Have you ever wondered why that is so? And it may even motivate you to...Reading time: 6 minutes 58 seconds
Tisha Zarina

My Quran Fix for the desire for more
I wanted more. And He gave me more. But isn’t having more bad? Is that a sign of me being ungrateful? Greedy perhaps? Shouldn’t I just be satisfied with what I have? And is my asking Allah for more makes me a selfish...Reading time: 4 minutes 18 seconds
Asma bint Shameem

Don't be so quick to blame others
I remember the first time I went for Umrah was when I was about 16 or 17 years old. That was the time when my family was not really a ‘practicing’ Muslim family. Yeah sure, we prayed and fasted, but that was about the only...Reading time: 5 minutes 42 seconds
Mohammed Faris

Patience and Productivity During Times of Hardship
Sometimes in life, hardships befall us. It sometimes feels like difficulties add up on one another and the light at the end of the tunnel, is merely a mirage. So how do we maintain our productivity during times of...Reading time: 5 minutes 35 seconds
Dr Bilal Philips

Why Muslims Fast?
Most of us who are fighting the battle of the bulge have experimented with some form of fasting, like an all fruit fast, a water fast or an sugar-free fast, you name it. But what many may find rather strange and intriguing is a whole...Reading time: 12 minutes 12 seconds
Hasrizal Abdul Jamil

Perbandingan Anak, Bukan Cara Terbaik Menilai Mereka
“Jangan dibandingkan anak-anak kita!” mungkin sudah menjadi sesuatu yang kita biasa dengar. Saya cuba untuk memahami mengapa ibu bapa membandingkan anak-anak mereka? Mereka sudah diberitahu bahawa perbuatan membandingkan...Reading time: 3 minutes 11 seconds
Bela Khan

The Attitude of Gratitude – a Productive Muslim’s Approach to Life
She opens her wardrobe. Two dozen dresses of red, yellow, orange, pink and you-name-it colours are hanging in there. After a cursory glance, she bangs the door shut. “Mom, I have nothing to wear for the party. I’ve been...Reading time: 9 minutes 55 seconds
Healthy Eating
Husnul Khuluq
Sadaf Farooqi

Haya: Showcasing the Shyness of a Shepherdess
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم At several places in the Quran, Allah has described events in history by mentioning some details and leaving others out. It is interesting to note, especially for any ardent student of knowledge who loves to...Reading time: 11 minutes 42 seconds
Zainub Habib

Dhikr - Remembrance of Allah
The word dhikr means remembrance and in the Islamic context, it is used in the sense of remembrance of Allah. Allah (swt) tells us in the Quran: يَـٰٓأَيُّہَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ ٱذۡكُرُواْ ٱللَّهَ ذِكۡرً۬ا كَثِيرً۬ا “O...Reading time: 6 minutes 47 seconds
Husnul Khuluq
Asma Bint Shameem

Hijab is not a piece of cloth on your head
Hijab is not a piece of cloth on your head. It’s a way of life. Just because some of the sisters have their head covered, they think that the requirement of Hijaab is fulfilled. They don’t realize that wearing a Hijaab...Reading time: 8 minutes 28 seconds
Page 13 of 13, showing 21 records out of 273 total