
Qalby Community is a platform that offers Muslims around the globe to learn and connect back to the source of light in their hearts through the Quran and Sunnah.

Mobile Version: Open QalbyApp from your phone and go to More button. Click on Community and you will be directed automatically to Qalby Community's website. Explore it today!

Desktop Version:
1. Go to https://community.qalby.io/
2. Click on the Sign Up button in the upper right corner of the page.
3. Fill in your details.
4. Or you can Sign in through Google or Facebook.

You may use the Search feature on top of the page to find someone in Qalby Community.

You can adjust the size to your liking (small, medium or large) by clicking the A letter button on the top corner of the page. To change the font to a bigger or smaller size, click on the A+ or A- button accordingly.

Every time a member interacts with your postings or updates, you will be notified by the bell icon at the upper right corner of your page. Click on the bell icon at the top of the page to check your notification. A blue dot will prompt on the top of the bell icon once a new notification comes in.
My Account

Qalby Community is free to access but some personalised features (e.g. Reflections) require a member to be logged in before accessing it.

1. Go to My Account and click the Edit button to update your profile.
2. Choose File and select your image.
3. Scroll down and click Update to save your changes.

1. Go to My Account.
2. Click the Edit button to update your profile.
3. You can update your details accordingly (About, Place Live and Education).
4. Scroll down and click Update to save your changes.

1. Go to My Account.
2. Scroll down and click Settings.
3. Change Settings to your liking (Public Account/Private Account) under Account & Privacy.

Setting your profile to public lets anyone in the community view your updates without the need to follow you. While the private setting only grants access to existing followers.

Click the three dots on a user's Profle and you will be able to see two options: Block and Report Profile

You can remove unwanted followers without using the block feature. Go to your Profile and click Followers. A list of followers will pop up on the screen. Scroll through the list of followers until you find the profile that you want to remove. Tap on the three dots next to the profile and click the Remove button.

Go to My Account and click Followers and Following to view.

Thinking of taking a break from Qalby Community? We understand that taking a step back from everything that is going on can be beneficial. However, we are sad to see you go. We would love to know your reasons, so kindly email us at inquiry@qalby.io
To deactivate your account, kindly follow the steps below:

1. Go to My Account.
2. Click Settings.
3. Under Account & Privacy, click Continue to Account Deletion.

Of course! Here's how you can change your password:

1. Click the drop-down menu on the right side of the page.
2. Click Change Password.
3. Key in your Current Password and New Password accordingly.
4. Retype your new password.
5. Click the Submit button to change. 
Ilm Feed

To view all articles in Qalby Community, go to the Home page and click on 'See All'. 

Found an article that caught your attention? Share it with your friends by following the steps below:

1. Open an article.
2. Scroll to the bottom of the article.
3. Click the Share button.
4. Share the selected article to other third party apps (e.g: Facebook, Telegram, Twitter and Whatsapp).

Search for a specific article you want to read by using the Search bar function in the Ilm Feed page. All you need to do is to type in any keywords to start searching.

1. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Mark as Complete.
2. You can also interact with the article by doing the following: Like, Comment, Bookmark (to save to your Profile), Follow (you will be notified when others comment your followed article) or Share to other platforms.

Mobile Version:
1. Click the three lines on the right top corner of the page.
2. Click on the drop down menu and choose My Account.
3. Click the Bookmark button to view all your Bookmark items.

Desktop Version:
Under My Account, click Bookmark on the left side of the page. Your bookmark list will appear here.

At the moment, we do not provide records for articles that have been marked as complete. But you can see whether you have read an article by scrolling to the bottom of the article and see whether the Mark as Complete button is still there or not. If the button is still there, it means that you have not read the article yet.

To report inappropriate or abusive Comment/Reflection on Qalby Community please click the flag icon underneath each comment or reflection.

Click on the Search Bar and type in the ayah or topic to search.

Absolutely! To view all ayah or the one you have missed, click on the 'All' button right next to the 'Personal' button.

Reflections is a personalised area and requires you to sign up for an account first. Once you are logged in, you may access this area.

Qalby Community lets users to view their own Reflections by clicking the 'Personal' button. You will be able to view your own list of reflections and sort your reflections accordingly.

1. To get tips on how to get started with reflections, click the bulb icon on the right side of the page.
2. By clicking the next two icons, you can view and check all the resources and samples to write your own Reflections.

You can customize your style of writing by using all the tooltips provided in the reflection box. Have fun exploring!

Yes, you have a complete control on this. You can choose to share any selected reflections with Qalby Community members at the following action: Set Reflection As (Public / Private) before submitting an entry

Mobile Version:
1. Click the three lines on the right top corner of the page.
2. Click on the drop down menu and choose 'My Account'.
3. Click 'Reflections' to view.

Desktop Version: There are two ways to view your submitted Reflections. First, click the 'Personal' button on the Reflections page. Second, click 'My Account' and scroll down. On the left side of your profile page, click on 'Reflect

1. Go to the Downloadables page.
2. Scroll and choose your preferred document.
3. Click the Download button to start downloading.
4. The download files will be saved automatically on your device.

Tired of scrolling? You can search for specific documents or PDFs by using the Search Bar function. All you need to do is to type in the keywords or theme to start searching.

Available soon.
Qalby Qlinic

To search for questions, go to the Qalby Qlinic page and use the Search Bar function.

Click on the clickable question to view or read the answers from verified scholars.

Mobile Version: The Latest Questions will appear at the bottom of the page.

Desktop Version: The Latest Questions will be listed on the right side of the page.

At the moment, we have a collection of questions submitted through Qalby Shares and our other social media postings. We aim to answer these first, in shaa Allah.

For future use once live on Qalby Community.
Progress Level

To view your current progress, click on the drop-down menu on the right side of the page. Select on the Progress Level to view your score, progress and quiz taken.

You can take the quiz at any time whenever it is available on your 'Progress Level' area.

You can move to the next level after you have completed the following:

1. Take a Quiz
2. Read 10 articles and click 'Mark as Complete' on each article
3. Submit or share at least 1 reflection
4. Submit your 'Amal Story

Unfortunately, there is no option to retake the quiz but you can always review your answers. Here's how:

On your Profile Picture, click the drop down menu and choose Progress Level. At the bottom of the page you can see the Latest Quiz Taken section. Kindly click the clickable word under the Quiz and choose Review.

'Amal Story is a recap of what you have discovered or learned from Qalby Community thus far. It has a set of questions where you can respond to (You may treat it as gems sharing or summary kind of exercise). Your response will not be shared publicly and Qalby team will review and award marks for your submission. You can take the 'Amal Story once you have completed the following:

1. Read 10 articles and click 'Mark as Complete' on each article
2. Submit or share at least 1 reflection
3. Take a Quiz

*Qalby Team will have the right to review your 'Amal Story submission and advice on issues that is found and deemed inappropriate (if any).