This is another beautiful hadith of our beloved ﷺ, which demonstrates his eloquent and pithy speech (the ability to say a lot with just a few words). It is important to note that “Hayaa” is one of those words in the Arabic language that are so comprehensive that it lacks a single equivalent meaning in the English language, it means a sense of shame; shyness, bashfulness, modesty, and more.

A few lessons we can take from this beautiful hadith are as follows:

1. Hayaa’ is such an integral part of Islam, that it has been consistently emphasized by all the prophets of ALLAH to all their nations.

2. From among the attributes of a person and society loved by Shaytan, which brings about the displeasure of ALLAH and hastens HIS wrath on a people is a loss of Hayaa. 

3. As believers we need to nurture a sense of Hayaa between ourselves and ALLAH and as well with HIS creation, as all good comes from it and all evil originates from neglecting it.

4. The prophet ﷺ said:  "Hayaa' and Imaan are two companions that go together. If one of them is lifted, the other is also lifted."

To learn more, do check out Commentary on the Forty Hadith of Imam An-Nawawi by Sheikh Jamal Al-Din Zarabozo, vol. 1, pages 659 - 678.