In a world that increasingly values us based on the image we project and how much we have to show rather than how much we have to give, this is a hopefully relevant reminder for myself and you all, dear readers.

The sin we are discussing today eats at the heart like a disease and can be completely hidden, which makes it all the more terrifying and all the more necessary for us to take ourselves into account if we are showing signs of it.

We need to be aware of the soul-scarring symptoms of this severe condition so that we can be vigilant and root out this harmful weed before it wraps around our hearts, perhaps even without us being conscious of it.

This hidden sin is hasad, my brothers and sisters: envy.

Hasad is the disliking of what Allah has blessed another with; it is when the heart burns upon seeing another’s blessing and wishing that it would be taken away from them.

The Prophet ﷺ said,

“Beware of envy, for it consumes good deeds just as fire consumes wood or grass.” [Sunan Abi Dawud 4903]

Even though this sin is harbored in the heart and may be concealed from everyone else, it is a major sin [see references] that necessitates tawbah (repentance) and islaah (reformation) to be saved from punishment.

What is our initial reaction; are we happy and grateful when we hear or see someone being gifted, or are we disappointed and disturbed?

Hasad has many evil effects; let us look into them and genuinely probe our hearts regarding how we feel about the good things that Allah has given to those around us.

·        Objecting to the Decree of Allah

We may not realize this, dear brothers and sisters, but feeling envious of another’s blessings is actually being dissatisfied with the decision of Allah and being displeased with Him, Wal Eyadu Billah (And we seek Refuge from Allah).

Allah says in Surah An-Nisa, Ayah 54:

“Do they envy people for what Allah has given them of His bounty?”

How can we question the Decree of Allah while knowing it’s based on His Perfect Knowledge, Wisdom, and Mercy?

Even for a moment, how can we imagine that things ‘should be’ another way than what Allah had willed?

My brothers and sisters, as you can see, this state of mind is not compatible with our Imaan (faith, belief).  Envy leads to committing injustices against Allah and oppressing others as well as our own selves because it leads to ingratitude, which is akin to disbelief, and it evokes the desire to harm or see someone be harmed.

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said.

“Faith and envy are never joined together in the heart of a servant.”  [Shu’ab al-Imān 6099]

May Allah forgive and protect us. Allahumma Aameen.

·        Chronic Ingratitude and Misery

Hasad blinds you to all the blessings and goodness in your life, so you feel deprived and hopeless, left out from Allah’s Bounty, Wal Eyadu Billah, when in reality that is certainly not the case.

My brothers and sisters, we were placed on this Earth to give thanks to Allah. It is the fuel of our hearts and the nourishment of our souls. It is the uprightness of our character and the sincere sweetness of our nature.

Our beautiful Prophet ﷺ used to worship Allah and cry in the depths of each night until his feet were swollen, even though all his sins were forgiven and he is guaranteed Paradise.  When asked about this, he ﷺ answered,

“Shall I not be a grateful servant?”     [Sahih Al-Bukhari 1130]

So, then, what happens if that ability to feel gratitude and contentment is stolen away – by our own bitterness?

We ruin none but ourselves; we harm nothing but our Dunya (worldly life), and far worse, our Hereafter.

We lose the sweetness and enrichment of worshipping Allah with recognition and perception of our blessings, thanking Him in our hearts, on our tongues, and with our actions.

Instead of going out into the world, bettering ourselves, and serving others with our blessings, we are stuck in one place, frustrated and fuming pointlessly with no will and effort to move forward and be great for the sake of Allah.

This is not the kind of life we were created to live, dear readers.

Ya Allah, increase and preserve the sweetness of Imaan (faith) in our hearts, Allahumma Aameen.

·        Animosity Towards Another

My brothers and sisters, we are like one body, and harming one another, even with a thought or a wish, is like wounding our own selves.

And how can we serve humanity with this perfect Deen if our hearts are divided for the sake of this Dunya?

So, let us focus on being righteous, sincere, and well-wishing servants of Allah together, being true to each other and being true to the pure and unbiased character of His Rasul ﷺ, who advised us:

Do not hate each other; do not envy each other; do not desert each other, and be the servants of Allah as brethren…”            [Sunan Abi Dawud 4910]

·        Imitating the Yahud of Medina

The Jews of Medina, who went out of their way to degrade, defame, and dissuade Islam and its believers, did so knowing full well that what had been revealed to Muhammad ﷺ was the truth, and that their scriptures called them to believe in him!

They wanted the blessing of Prophethood to be placed on one of them, willfully forgetting the scripture, wisdom, and kingdoms that the Bani Israel had been blessed with in the past.

Not only were they lying to themselves and everyone around them, but they were also rejecting their own Holy Book from which they derived so much honour and pride.

Bias and jealous animosity reduces people to the worst versions of themselves by causing them to leave what they have been initially granted of Rizq (every type of beneficial provision) and Fadl (favour and bounty) from Allah and pursue what is less worthy and suitable for them.

These were people of precious and beneficial knowledge, yet they were diminished to the lowest levels of ignorance and faithlessness.

These were individuals with guidance in their hands, yet misguidance held close to their hearts, not even allowing a ray of Truth to pierce through their blindfold of falsehood.

My brothers and sisters, these are not people whose footsteps we want to follow.

Allah’s Messenger said:

“Whoever imitates a people is one of them.”       [Abu Dawud 4031]

These Yahud of Medina were cursed by Allah for their abandonment of His Deen, for their intentional spreading of misguidance, evil, and corruption – all because they jealously coveted the blessings of those whom Allah had Chosen in His Infinite Wisdom.  

The Solution from Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى and His Messenger

You can be happy for someone else’s blessings even as you yearn for your heart and arms to be filled with something similar. The evils lie in feeling bitterness and deprivation as you are exposed to another’s gifts.

And knowing us perfectly, Allah’s Deen has given us a solution to beautify our hearts and save them from this creeping and destructive feeling.

When you see someone enjoying a gift from Allah that you would like to have too, make genuine du’a for them.

The Prophet taught us that,

“No Muslim servant supplicates for his brother behind his back but that the angel says: And for you the same.”  [Sahih Muslim 2732]

Keep asking Allah to grant you from His Bounty; it is endless. And, SubhanAllah, when you ask Allah, He gives you what is far better than you can imagine – a customized gift that you could never deserve but that is all the more special because it’s from a Lord Who sees you in all your raw and messy human moments yet generously loves and gives you.

Remember that we all get what we strive for, and we all have something to give.

When we do our best in the way of Allah, with hearts that are pleased with Him and pleasing to Him, we cannot be anything but blessed, bi’idhnillah.